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Σκοπός του αποτεφρωτήρα (incinerator) είναι η αποτέφρωση πετρελαιοειδών και στερεών αποβλήτων στο πλοίο. Η αποτέφρωση των υγρών και στερεών αποβλήτων είναι ένας φιλικός τρόπος διαχείρισης των αποβλήτων προς το περιβάλλον. Η εγκατάστασή του στο πλοίο είναι υποχρεωτική από τον IMO (International Maritime Organization)
Μια μονάδα αποτέφρωσης αποτελείται από θάλαμο καύσης (combustion chamber) με τη μονάδα του καυστήρα (burner unit), τον εξοπλισμό καύσης λάσπης (sludge) και ηλεκτρονικό πίνακα ελέγχου (electric control panel).
Preparation for Start-up of the incinerator
Before start-up of the incinerator, the following is to be carried out:
1. Open all the inlet and outlet valves for diesel oil.
2. Open all inlet and outlet valves for sludge oil and air
3. Make sure that there are no hindrances for air admission to primary blower as well as flue gas outlet
A. Start-up of the Incinerator on program 'SOLID WASTE'.
1. Make sure that the switch is turned on 'sludge-off'
2. Activate the main switch on the control panel.
3. Reset the alarm lamps on the push button 'reset alarm'.
4. Make sure that all the lamps are alight by pressing the button 'lamp test'
5. For start of the incinerator, activate the switch for 'incinerator - start'.
6. The incinerator will now start automatically by activating the primary burner in the primary combustion chamber.
7. The incinerator then operates within the set temperatures (850 - 950℃).
8. If the flame in the incinerator goes out, the incinerator is to be reset by means of "reset flame failure burner"
9. Add solid waste to the primary combustion chamber using the sluice by activating the pushbutton on panel (CP-3)
B Start-up of the incinerator on program 'sludge'
1. Make sure that the switch is turned to 'sludge on'
2. Before start-up of the incinerator, follow the instructions given under point 'A', item 2 to 7
The primary burner in the primary combustion chamber will be activated. After a
preheating period of 13 minutes the sludge burner starts automatically and operates within the set points (850 - 950℃)
When the 'delay primary burner' is switched to automatic 'AUT', the primary burner operates for 25 seconds to ignite the sludge burner automatically.
When the 'delay primary burner' is switched to manual 'MAN' the primary burner operates all the time together with the sludge burner.
C. Adding of Solid Waste
Before adding a new charge of solid waste, control whether the incinerator is ready to receive more waste or not, by looking through the sight glass.
D. Stop of Incinerator
1. Activate the switch 'incinerator stop'
2. When the temperature in the incinerator drops to below 100℃, the incinerator stops automatically.
3. When the incinerator has stopped, switch off the main switch on the control panel
E. Abnormal Start-up and Operation of Incinerator
1. By the first start-up of the incinerator, oscillating combustion can occur which must be stopped
immediately. Activate the switch 'incinerator - stop'
2. If there should be any problems during start-up and operation, the incinerator is to be stopped
immediately by activating the "incinerator - stop" switch.
3. Try to find the reason for this abnormal start-up/operation of the incinerator.
4. See the instruction manual under "Trouble Shooting"
F Attendance of the primary combustion chamber
1. Do not put glass, bottles, and other materials that may not be burned into the primary combustion chamber.
2. Do not fill wet solid waste into the primary combustion chamber more than one hour before starting the incinerator.
3. When burning oil-containing materials, such as filter cartridges, oily cotton waste, and scrapings from the centrifuges, do not put more than 10 liters per charge into the primary combustion chamber
4. When combusting material with high calorific value with explosion-like combustion, eg plastic, max.8 kg per charge is allowed to be fed into the incinerator.
5. DO NOT overload the incinerator with waste.
6. when the incinerator is cold, remove ashes and slags from the primary combustion chamber. The ashes and the slages must be carefully removed. Do not knock or hammer on the sides of the
primary combustion chamber. The main switch must be turned on to open the door.
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Θέμα: Incinerator
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